15 June, 2013

Cleans & Farmer's

15 Jun 13 (Sat)

     500m Row

     5 Rounds
     5        Muscle Cleans        (75lb)
     100m KB Farmer's Walk   (2x30lb)

     1000m Row

  Nice light day. Went especially light on the cleans because I maxed out yesterday and the back was a little tight. Same exercise with light weight works greatly for easing out that kind of thing. Smart programming by CF Football:  Crossfit Football

  Next time I do a farmer's, I should use some other type of weight like plates or DBs or something. Mental note.

14 June, 2013

Death by Ball Slam

14 Jun 13 (Fri)

     20 1-Arm KB Swings   (35lb)

     3x5   Muscle Clean     (140lb)    ** ~current max
     5x10 Chinups             (130lb, 130, 130, 140, 140)

     Death by Ball Slam    (20lb)
     1st  min, 1 Ball Slam
     2nd min, 2 Ball Slams
     ...  continue until failure within time frame
     *** Through 14th minute... Total = 105 reps

     500m Row

  Those ball slams take it out of you. The death-bys are always deceptive. Ball slams are a good movement, though: lot of sweat & breath without longer repercussions, and relatively easy on the knees.

13 June, 2013

Row Sprints

13 Jun 13 (Thu)

     20 1-Arm KB Swings   (40lb)

     3x5 Leg Press            (300lb)  * next time Hack Squats at ~50lb
     3x5 Bench Press        (132.5)  * ~max

     5 Rounds (Find Fastest Time)
     100m Row Sprint
     2min  Rest
     ***  Fastest = 18.5sec

     1000m Row

  Next time squats come up in the program, I think that I'll try the hack squat stand instead of the leg press stand. I tried it out today with no weight, and the platform seems to let you keep the feet further forward, which allows the shins to remain more perpendicular, which keeps the knees back. This is necessary when one doesn't have much cartilage or ACL's left.    :/

  Oh, it's been 2 months now; seem to have lost a solid 10lb. I have to assume that that's >10lbs of pure fat-loss, because the loss comes over & above gaining muscle; e.g.:
    265lb + 5lb muscle = 270
    270lb - 15lb fat = 255
    * Weight numbers accurate... +/- numbers hypothetical
So, if it was to keep steady at 5lb net-loss per month, then I'd hit approximate goal-build/weight at around the end of the year. Only another six months to go. Sigh.    :/

11 June, 2013

Clean & Press Couplet

11 Jun 13 (Tue)

     20 1-Arm KB Swing   (35lb)

     5RepMax  Deadlift    (to 255lb)   ** Pretty close to true max
     50            Situps                         ** Post-WOD

     3 Rounds
     1 Hang Muscle Clean
     1 Shoulder Press
     2 Hang Muscle Clean
     2 Shoulder Press
     etc. ... ('til failure)
     2min Rest
     ***                            (75lb, 65, 65 ... for 5cycles, 4, 4)

     1000m Row

  Was a bit surprised that I managed 255lb for the deads. Good news.   :P

10 June, 2013

Resting Triplet

10 Jun 13 (Mon)

     20   1-Arm KB Swing        (30lb)

     3x5 Leg Press                  (290lb)
     3x5 Overhead Press         (100lb)

     2 Rounds
     1min DB Overhead Press  (2x25lb)             ** 20, 18
     1min Rest
     1min Pullups                    (assisted 120lb)  ** 15, 12
     1min Rest
     1min Row Sprint
     1min Rest

     30 1-Arm KB Swings          (30lb)

  Pretty light day.

  Needed to use push presses after weight became too much for shoulder pressing. Next time, try same weight with shoulder presses throughout. Was supposed to be at 97.5lb, but Gold's smallest change-plates are at 2.5lb, so had to go up to 100lb.    >:|

  Picture is 2011 & 2012 Games-champion Rich Froning. He also ran away with the Central East Regionals this weekend. Here's the Update Show for Sunday.
This was the last weekend of the regionals. The 2013 Crossfit Games will be from 22-28 July.    =D