12 May 13 (Sun)
150m Row
15 Ring Rows
15 Back Extensions
15 Situps
15 Bench Press (50lb)
8x2 Bench Press (110lb)
AMRAP in 10min
3 Overhead Press (75lb x 5rds, 60 x ~10rds)
5 Ball Slams (15lb)
*** Total = ~15 rounds
300m Row
Nice to change up the warmup somewhat.
I don't think that I was getting enough abs into the ball slams, but I forgot to check the technique out before the WOD. Maybe I wasn't supposed to keep my back as straight as I was; not sure. Good exercise, though. 15lb was the heaviest slam-ball that I could find at Gold's. :(
If I haven't mentioned recently, these are the websites that I cull the workouts from:
Strength WOD: Crossfit Football
Basically, I follow the standard days of 3on-1off that CF Mom & the Main Site use.
On those days, I'll use a strength-WOD from CF Football...
the daily-WOD from CF Mom or the Main Site.
I'll adjust or switch the exercises chosen as needed to similar ones that I can do with wrecked knees, and scale the weights higher or lower depending upon my strength at the movement: usually need more weight for the CF Mom & lower for the Main Site. :P
Later on, I may start taking endurance-WODs from CF Endurance and going back-and-forth with them and the strength-WODs. Kind of a best-of-both-worlds kind of thing.
Here's the last Crossfit Update Show before the Regionals start next Friday. Has a good overview of all the workouts for Regionals.
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