28 Apr 13 (Sun)
300m Row
Up to Max Weight
5 Leg Press (80lb, 90, 100, ... , 200, 210, 220, 230)
5 Bench Press (70lb, 80, 90, 100)
*** Total Leg Press = 80, Bench = 20
300m Row
It's sure a lot easier to use higher weights for leg press when you're not pushing up your own body as in a real squat. That's bad, of course... it artificially inflates the amount that it seems like you can stand up with. Oh, well: can only do what I can do.
The knees kinda stopped clicking & crunching at the last few leg press weights. Not sure why: maybe found good foot position/technique, interior rough cartilage got sanded down, difference in interior forces at different weights, ...? Dunno. :/
My bench press has always been pretty weak; seems to have declined even further. I'll have to give benches and pullups some extra attention to hit a couple of my larger weak-spots.
Still had a little weight left in the tank. Stopped before failure, to avoid soreness and keep motivation up.