27 Jun 13 (Thu)
500m Row
5x5 Box Squat (125lb) ** next time, 135lb 5x5
4rd Bench Press (smith 135lb... 5, 5, 3, 3) ** repeat weight next time 3x5 or 5x3
AMRAP 8min
9 DB Overhead Press (2x30lb, 30, 30, 20, 20, 20)
9 Bench Press (50lb, 50, 50, 30, 30, 30... smith)
50 1-Arm KB Swing (30lb... 25L/R)
Long, but relatively light workout. Good sweat, breath fine.
Box squat still working well with not crunching the knees. Light weight & good form likely helping a lot. Much better than leg press because it's getting the butt, gut, and back into play: it's a whole-body exercise.
Leg presses are good if you want to be seen using a lot of big plates without having to actually do much work. Basically, it's not working out, it's posing: like curls & tricep extensions. Hence the reason almost everyone in a Gold's tends to stand around doing those 3 movements. Makes me sad. :P
Warmup row nicely relaxed & un-winded at a 2min0sec / 500m pace with a damper of 4; may have to check the 500m best time soon (lifetime PR = 1min36sec). Well, maybe not... might be better to just continue incremental improvements without wiping out and being disappointed on a day. :/