12 Jul 12 (Thu)
3 Rounds
5 Box Squat (155lb, 165, 170)
3 Rounds
5 Bench Press (100lb, 110, 120) ** Smith rack
1, 2, 3,... Per Minute Each Minute
Hang Muscle Cleans (95lb)
** 9 rounds + 8 reps = 53 total
That WOD is a lot harder than it looks. :P Did quite well on the squats. Current 1rep PR is 175lb, so that's probably due for an update.
Slight adjustment to theoretical schedule. Combining both WOD-types into one session, and starting with strength each day. If I have morning sessions, I know damn well that I won't go to them. :/ I also noticed that CF Football has their strength-WOD days on M-T-Th-F with all the others as rest, which is perfect. Adjusted schedule as follows:
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Str Str x Str Str x x
CF End x CF End x x
*** Active rest days... some sort of outdoor activity
Picture above is Spencer Hendel. He's one of the ones that I watch (well, I follow all the competitors :P ) because he's 6'2", which is the same as me. It's interesting to get a feel for what size you'd be walking around where he is. He's also a good guy.
I think I've mentioned it before, but the people in the Crossfit community are one of its very best features. There are almost no obnoxious jerks or bragging posers because every person who does Crossfit is wiped out by the end of the workout and laying on the floor sweating and breathing hard. Everyone from the grandma to the games-competitor, because the WOD is scaled for each person. Not only does this build camaraderie through shared laughter and agony, but it enforces being humbled: also, there's no time or energy for strutting, posing, and bragging when you're trying your very hardest to kick ass in a workout with everyone else. Preening braggarts do not thrive in those conditions. :)
The Games started yesterday. Here's the Wednesday recap, and the triathlon highlights: