10 May 13 (Fri)
300m Row
5x3 Muscle Clean (115lb)
5 Rounds (75lb, 75, 60, 60, 60) *** One BB for all
5 Deadlift
5 Hang Muscle Clean
5 Overhead Press
5 Box Squat
300m Row
Overall, this was a good, clean workout. A gasser, but everything felt smooth.
Excellent form on the cleans, I thought; felt heavy, but comfortable. Remembered to use hook-grip. Minimal shoulder-bruising from the catches. :P
Found a good platform in the gym to use for box squats. Maybe I can start mixing them in in place of some of the leg presses. That'd be good from both an exercise-variety, and a glute-workout standpoint.
One week until the Crossfit Games Regionals start next Friday. =D