19 Jul 13 (Fri)
500m Row
3RepMax Muscle Clean (to 135lb) ** Re-set max
6 Rounds
100m Row
5 Ring Rows
Took a week, week-and-1/2 break. Threw out my back doing an awkward movement (not at the gym) and needed to give it time to recuperate. Couldn't stand, sit, or walk for a while. :/ Better now. Workout went better than I anticipated, actually. Back on schedule.
Stopped cleans at 135lb while still comfortable. Think I'll take the lifts back a couple of notches of weight, and work back up. This'll allow me to focus on perfect technique.
Oh, also, net weight-loss is now at 20lb after 3 months; not too bad. At 242lb.
Motivational pictures today: Anne Hathaway. :P Here's her being awesome: