23 Mar 12 (Fri)
500m Row
5 Rounds
3 Cleans (95lb)
5 Handstand Pushups (~3in)
500m Row
Trying to get most of the basic lifts in this first bunch of WODs. I need to get the movements back to somewhat intuitive before I start cranking up the weight some. That's one of the good things about Crossfit training... you get such knowledge of movements over time and repetitions that you can remember them quite well.
They were actually more like power cleans because I can't catch the weight in a knees-bent position, but screw it, I'm calling them cleans.
I wonder if anyone's ever done any handstands in this Gold's before. :P I assume that I was getting some funny looks, but I don't see anyone else working out with intensity. Just lift-takeabreak-lift-chat-lift.
Here's a cool site. crossfitmom.com It has WODs and very good exercise info for pregnant ladies.