17 Apr 12 (Tue)
500m Row
40 Bench Press (105lb x 20, 95 x 5, 75 x 15)
30 Situps
20 Stepups
500m Row
Truthfully, this was supposed to be 40/40/40 with Slam Balls in the middle. Gold's obviously did not have any slam balls, so I started substituting knee raises but the hang-apparatus is crap, so I switched to situps. After that I got annoyed and cut short the numbers.
Put a lot of effort into the benches, though. That started to feel like a lot of weight pretty quickly. :P I used a little step-up platform that I assume is meant for aerobics or something but was a good height to not cause sharp knee pains.
A chipper, by the way, is a series of exercises done once through; as compared to a number of rounds of repeating the same exercises. So-called because you go in one end, go once through, and come out the other end wrecked...like a wood chipper. :)
Motivational picture today. That is Miss Gillian Anderson... possibly known to you as Agent Dana Scully from the X-Files. Coincidentally, possibly my best girlfriend ever was a gorgeous redhead named Dana. Hmmm...