14 Jun 16 [M]
1,000m (2:30/500m pace)
Rest 1min
New job now allows me to start working out again. Easier on the knees, less daily pain.
The following is a good basic overview of the skeleton of Crossfit workouts. I've reduced the number of exercises normally used in CF, partially because I'm just starting up again, but additionally because I'm limited by the knees.
I'm going to ease into it. Let's go! :)
New job now allows me to start working out again. Easier on the knees, less daily pain.
The following is a good basic overview of the skeleton of Crossfit workouts. I've reduced the number of exercises normally used in CF, partially because I'm just starting up again, but additionally because I'm limited by the knees.
I'm going to ease into it. Let's go! :)
New Gym Plan
M =
Metabolic (Endurance) G =
Gymnastics (Body-Weight) W
= Weightlifting
(1) (2) (3) (2) (1) [I'm using the 5-on, 2-off section]
(1) M
= Long & Slow G
= Practice Movement W =
High Weight & Low Reps
(2) Couplet:
3-5 rounds (High difficulty & Medium
(3) Triplet: AMRAP (Medium
difficulty & High intensity)
M (Row Machine, Recumbent Bike)
W (Deadlift, Squat, Bench Press)
G (Pullup, Situp, Back Extension)
Exercise Variations
Deadlift: Deadlift, Sumo, DB
Bench Press: Smith, Inclined Smith, DB, Inclined
DB, Machine
Squat: Box
Smith, Leg Press Rack, Leg Press Machine
Pullup: PU Assisted,
Chinup Assisted, Lat Pulldown
Week Structure
** M, G, W each appear 3 days per week
** Different M, G, W exercise per day appearing
(Each exercise once per week)
** Switch exercise variations
week-to-week (Different variation each week)
Example Week 1
Tue: (M) Row
Wed: (G, W) 5
Pullups Assisted, 10 Deadlifts 3
Thu: (M, G, W) Row
500m, 5 Situps, 10 Smith BP AMRAP
Fri: (M, G) Row
300m, 5 Back Extensions 3
Sat: (W) Leg
Press Rack 5,
3, 3, 2, 2, 1
Meat: Chicken Breast, Ground Beef, Eggs, Fish
Starch: Oatmeal, Sweet Potatoes, Rice
Fruit: Bananas, Berries, Avocado
Vegs: Lettuce, Roots, Summer Squash
Dairy: Whole Milk, Yogurt
Extras: Glutamine, Amino Acids,
Creatine (3-in-1)
Flavors: Sauces, Spices, Seasonings, Peanut Butter
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