14 June, 2013

Death by Ball Slam

14 Jun 13 (Fri)

     20 1-Arm KB Swings   (35lb)

     3x5   Muscle Clean     (140lb)    ** ~current max
     5x10 Chinups             (130lb, 130, 130, 140, 140)

     Death by Ball Slam    (20lb)
     1st  min, 1 Ball Slam
     2nd min, 2 Ball Slams
     ...  continue until failure within time frame
     *** Through 14th minute... Total = 105 reps

     500m Row

  Those ball slams take it out of you. The death-bys are always deceptive. Ball slams are a good movement, though: lot of sweat & breath without longer repercussions, and relatively easy on the knees.

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