21 May 13 (Tue)
300m Row
5-Rep-Max Deadlift (to 215lb)
10 Rounds
100m Row
45sec Rest
** Went 20sec for each 100m (1:40/500m pace)
300m Row
Right on pace for increasing of Deadlift weight; +10lb from last time. If I recall correctly, my previous PR for 3reps was 315lb, so still a ways to go.
I think that I'm gonna stick to the CF Football WOD-schedule for a bit. They seem to have a good mix of strength, power, & speed with two days off per week(M-T---T-F-S---). I've been taking my strength workouts from there anyway. CF Football
I probably would use the CF Endurance schedule, but it'd be hard to fit in the extra endurance WODs. Do-able, but annoying. I may still use their swimming-WODs once in a while, and their programming is still top-notch. CF Endurance
Here's a video about Gabe Subry's experience at the 2012 Regionals. Good stuff.
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