9 Aug 12 (Thu)
To Max
3 Box Squats (95lb, 115, 135, 155, 165, 185)
*** PR
1000m Row
Good to see a PR. Was going to do 5 rounds, but kept going. Should've done another max before now, I suppose; last PR triple (175lb) was in mid-June. As always, probably could've gotten some more, but Gold's frowns on dropping bars... even for safety. The staff is certainly polite enough, but man, you can hardly call it a gym.
I realise that I can barely call this crossfit at this point, but I'll get back to the normal, WOD-type workouts soon enough. Truth be told, though, any workout can be considered crossfit. It's more of the overall variety and intensity that creates a crossfit program over time. To put it another way, any workout could be done as a part of a crossfit program, but there are many, many crossfit workouts that would be done by no other discipline.
Picture above is a Special Forces soldier in Afghanistan being a bad-ass. Also a Crossfitter. Elite units were some of the first adopters of Crossfit back in the day. Why? Because it god-damn works. =D Even as physical therapy.
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